And So We Move On…
Summer is coming and the reading is easy – if you know where your library is. Just a reminder, there are no limits on number of books you can check out or number of times you can renew a book, CD, or magazine. The big thing is that if the item is on hold for someone else, get that returned pronto to avoid having your record blocked and making your neighbor wait for what is a shared community resource. End of lecture!
Oh Umberto Eco, you shadow of an echo, how you tease us island dwellers!
A Financial Assistance Fund has been created to enable qualified seniors without sufficient financial resources to apply and enter the Hamlet House, based on space availability. One room will be allocated for residents who may benefit from this new fund. Call the LOHO office at 468-2620 for more information.
On April 20, Joy Davis was awarded the 2010 Site Manager of the Year Award for her work with Westview Apartments.
Lopez offers many ways for the island youth to find their passion. The island is an environment that teaches children to be at home with the earth, and with the water. Now, Lopez resident Anne Burton is adding a third element: air.
On any given day, a snorting, gurgling racket can be heard echoing from a dark corner by our garage. The strange creature that spends its day there is Austin, our bulldog. The odor from that area, a combination of skunk and decaying broccoli, may result from his preferred diet of forest grubs and non-recyclable plastic.
Those who’ve lived in the San Juan Islands for many years remember farms large enough to sustain a herd of dairy cows and operate a dairy or to raise large numbers of hogs, sheep or cattle and grow fields of grain to feed them.
Have you ever had a favorite band whose music you always crank up when you’re cruising around on a sunny day with your windows rolled down? Or one that you play specifically to dance to when no one else is around?
Mercury Direct, New Moon! Finally, Mercury comes out of retrograde on Tuesday! It will take a couple of days to…
We’ve seen some great beater cars and trucks sent in, and we would like to encourgae everyone to keep submitting them. The Weekly wants your photos of the most beat-up, character-full car you can find. Be it on the road or stuck in a field with three wheels, send us a shot and we may print it. All photos should be no less than 1 MB, be in JPEG format and be no larger than 300ppi. Please include who took the photo, what part of the island it was taken on and any other information you want printed with. Take this opportunity to celebrate a truly ‘island’ feature.
The Lopez Summer Workshops brochures for the Lopez Island Family Resource Center have been mailed. Anyone who has a mailing address or a P.O. Box on Lopez Island should have received one. They also sent out brochures to anyone who has participated in previous summer workshops. Summer classes are also available online at the website Submit registration and fees early to reserve your slot. Classes have a limited space and can fill up quickly. Look for brochures at these locations; the LIFRC office, LVM, Library, Holly B’s, Islandale Store, and the Ferry Landing.