Officials say Lopez Schools are doing well

In a 2013 State of the Schools message, Lopez School officials reported that the schools are doing well, and continue to provide quality educational experiences for their students.

In a 2013 State of the Schools message, Lopez School officials reported that the schools are doing well, and continue to provide quality educational experiences for their students.

The level of instruction remains high and a number of indicators bear witness to the high level of education the students in the Lopez Schools are receiving.

In the 2012 U.S. News and World Report ranking of Best High Schools in the Country, Lopez High School received another bronze medal, ranking within the top 22 percent of the almost 22,000 public schools evaluated for this annual survey, and in the top 100 of Washington State’s 626 high schools evaluated. Lopez School also received a bronze award in 2007, and school officials predict it will be ranked as high, or higher in the 2013 rankings, due out in a few months. Helping to achieve this national ranking is Lopez School’s graduation rate of 100 percent (class of 2011) and its almost 80 percent post secondary enrollment, well above the state’s 62 percent average.

Lopez graduates continue to be accepted at a variety of colleges, and this year’s Seniors are no exception. Institutes of higher learning to which the Class of 2013 have already been accepted include University of Portland (3), Tulane, Whatcom Community, Lewis and Clark (2), Barnard, Colorado College, St. Edwards University, Montana State, South Dakota State, Southwestern, Willamette, Brigham Young, Central (2), Clark, University of Denver, Syracuse, University of Washington (3), Pepperdine, Santa Clara, Western, Eastern, and Harvey Mudd. Lopez School graduates have also, in the past, served in the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps, upon graduation. Seniors at Lopez have proven their academic prowess by historically being recognized as Washington State Honors Award winners (in 2010 over 1/3 of the graduates earned such distinction).

International travel and foreign exchange opportunities continue to be extended to Lopez students, including trips this year to Nicaragua, Argentina, Brazil, England, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Denmark and Spain.

Washington State testing data shows Lopez students to be performing well.  A review of the 2011-12 school year school-wide testing scores for the Measure of  Student Progress and the High School Proficiency Exam show that fourth graders scored 80 percent in reading (compared to 71 percent statewide), 66.7 percent in math (59 percent for state), and 66.7 percent in writing (61.4 percent for state). Lopez fifth graders scored 85.7 percent in reading (71 percent for state) and 81 percent in science (66.3 percent for state).  Sixth graders scored 73.7 percent in reading (70 percent for state). Lopez tenth graders scored 85 percent in reading (81 percent for state) and 88.9 percent in writing (85.4 percent for state). Lopez students scored 83.3 percent on the “End of Course Biology” exam (64.3 percent for state).

Current enrollment in the District is up from budgeted, and is approaching 230 students (head count), including 10 students enrolled as Lopez students in distance learning opportunities through Columbia Virtual Academy, and an ever-increasing kindergarten class.

“We are very proud of the education that our staff provides to our students,” said Superintendent Bill Evans. “It is through their impressive diligence and dedication, and the strong support of the community, that we continue the journey to excellence in the nurturing and development of our community’s greatest resource – our  children.”