Upcoming lectures on forestry and a changing climate

Submitted by The San Juan Islands Conservation District.

The San Juan Islands Conservation District is pleased to partner with Oregon State University, the US Forest Service, Wilson Biochar Associates, and Transition Fidalgo to support and promote a series of lectures on forestry from January 25th through January 27th. The talks will range from fire ecology, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, biochar, and plant resiliency in a changing climate. All lectures are free and available on the web.

Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Speaker: Kai Hoffman-Krull, Forest Health Manager at San Juan Islands Conservation District Lecture Title: Finding the Future in the Past: Pyrogenic Carbon and Plant Resilience in a Changing ClimateTime: 7:00pmZoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81467815371?pwd=NWtkUTV0T1phVG03M2FZaENVSTlWQT09

Lecture Summary: Pyrogenic carbon, also known as ‘biochar,” has received significant attention recently for its role in sequestering carbon and increasing soil resilience in agricultural and forest soils. This talk will cover the role of biochar historically in forest and prairie ecosystems as a byproduct of regular fire return intervals, and charcoal’s potential to serve as a long-term soil amendment to store carbon, nutrients, and water in our forest and agricultural soils as we transition into a changing climate.