Thank you for the feedback regarding the Silent Witness Project on Fisherman Bay Road. Creating the installation has been a healing and enlightening experience for everyone involved. Some of you have asked me why we put up the Silent Witness Project when our island had no domestic violence fatalities last year.
I see that the only thing that’s changed from the original school bond proposal is that now they have a wish list. The problem is there are no costs for any of the repairs or upgrades on their list.
The undersigned support staff of Lopez School would like to speak in favor of the Capital Projects Bond. We, who work every day in the buildings that house our students, staff and programs understand too clearly that major work is overdue.
Today I received my general election ballot, and I happily selected “Approved” for the Lopez Island School District bond measure.
Along with supporting the Lopez School bond and the Lopez Solid Waste levy, please vote to support San Juan County Proposition 1.
We are writing to express our support for Joan White’s reelection as San Juan County Clerk.
I am writing this letter to voice my opinion on the Sheriff’s race. I have served over 25 years in law enforcement and over 26 years in the military. I have worked as a patrol officer and am currently one of your patrol sergeants.
We understand that the proposed school bond includes funds for significant upgrades to the science teaching facilities at the Lopez School.
The pun is intended. First of all, Joanne and I join in the continued support of our dump by voting yes on Proposition 1, the Solid Waste Levy. Next, the “vested” part is to invite you to come and put on one of those orange vests that we volunteers wear during our shifts.
We must keep the heart of Lopez beating for generations to follow.
With great optimism Bob and I urge a yes vote on the proposed Lopez Island School District’s construction bond.
I’ve worked at Lopez School for 24 years in the school kitchen. I’m proud of our program. We serve healthy meals in collaboration with the garden program and the culinary class.
Thank you for coming to Lopez to hear our community’s concerns about Growlers. I live in Lopez Village and see Growlers flying overhead and often hear them.