Update on the Lopez Island Fire District #4 levy increase request for the February Ballot

San Juan County Fire Protection District #4 Commissioners at their regular meeting on Nov. 19, approved Resolution Number 2012-07 asking voters to increase its regular property tax levy from approximately 67 cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation to 83 cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation, an increase of 16 cents. This increase would be approximately $16 dollars per year per $100,000 of assessed valuation.

San Juan County Fire Protection District #4 Commissioners at their regular meeting on Nov. 19, approved Resolution Number 2012-07 asking voters to increase its regular property tax levy from approximately 67 cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation to 83 cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation, an increase of 16 cents. This increase would be approximately $16 dollars per year per $100,000 of assessed valuation.

Currently a home valued at $300,000 pays about $201 a year for fire and EMS services. If the levy is passed, the $300,000 home would increase the property taxes by approximately $48 per year, to $249, an increase of $4 a month.

For further information on the Levy Lid Lift or to request a copy of the Lopez Island Fire & EMS 2012-2022 Strategic Plan, contact Fire Chief Jim Ghiglione at 468-2991 during normal business hours Monday through Friday or email him at jghiglione@lopezfire.com.