Pool steadily becoming a reality

Submitted by Friends of Lopez Pool

Submitted by Friends of Lopez Pool

On the journey to building a pool facility on Lopez we think it’s important to pause and celebrate successes along the way. Many folks are unaware of how much closer we are to having a pool. Through steadfast community support and the hard work of the FLIP board, much progress has been made. In addition to the 2.5 acre parcel generously gifted to the project, we have a site plan (see image), a good well, permits and pre-approval from the County. We have a pool “dream team” of industry experts guiding the project and our funding is strongly growing!

The Lopez Pool project will happen in two phases. Phase One is an outdoor facility with a lap pool, therapy pool and bathhouse which will cost $3.2 million. Phase Two will bring a permanent, high-efficiency enclosure, making the facility usable year round for an additional $1.2 million. The completed project will be a resource of enduring value for our island.

You might ask how our small island could possibly support a year-round swimming pool? Wouldn’t the maintenance and operation costs be unsustainable? According to extensive, independent research, Lopez is big enough to support a pool! These studies compared our community to other like-sized communities across the state who already have successful pool facilities, and found that a pool on Lopez should be sustainable. The projected revenue will cover the ongoing maintenance and operation costs. We’ll happily share the detailed projections with anyone.

Further strengthening the fiscal health of the project is a recent $500,000 pledge for a Maintenance and Operations Reserve Fund. This is in addition to an existing $500,000 matching gift for Phase 1 construction. Also, FLIP was just awarded a state grant specifically aimed at building swim facilities in small rural communities! This money will go toward Phase 2, the year round enclosure. We celebrate these three giant steps FLIP has taken closer to a pool on Lopez.

Now that you know what progress has been made, here’s a little more of what is to come. FLIP is seeking additional grants and lead donations at this time. We know that many of you passionately support a pool on Lopez. Opportunities to show your tangible support will be coming. With a projected opening day of July 4th 2018, there is much to be done.

Imagine. An injured woman who can’t return to work and who would heal more quickly with water therapy. A senior citizen looking for an affordable, pain-free and social way to exercise. A bored 14 year-old wanting a fun activity he can bike to while his parents are working. A stay-at-home mom looking for a place where she and her toddler can be active and meet other parents and kids. Imagine. A high school senior looking for credentialed work experience. Kids and adults needing to improve their swimming and water safety skills. Now imagine a Community Swimming Pool filling all of these needs and more.

The breadth and depth of what a two-pool facility would bring to the Lopez community is humbling. We have a remarkable opportunity to increase the quality of life for islanders of every age, income and ability. Safety, health, skills, recreation and community are the goals. A high-tech, low-maintenance, salt water, two-pool facility on Lopez Island is the means. Please show your support for a pool on Lopez and spread the word of our recent successes!