A Lopez couple is hoping to make strides in Thailand’s energy policies through dialogue among government officials and journalists with U.S. experts in renewable energy.
Public works was front and center at the San Juan County Council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 16 on Lopez as it unanimously approved a franchise agreement request that allows Lopez Island-based Utility Management Group Ltd (UMG), a privately owned drinking water systems management company specializing in small communities, the use of the public right-of-way for a water system on Lopez. The council also heard updates on the Fisherman Bay Road and Weeks Road pathway.
The San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild (Ag Guild) had a lively and successful Benefit Dinner and Auction on August 24 to raise funds for the Permanent Farmers’ Market.
Studies show that children who learn to enjoy reading at an early age continue to read throughout their lives. One way to foster a love of reading is to provide kids with access to exciting, high quality books.
Hildegarde Goss, a 30-year resident of Lopez Island, was recently moved to San Juan Rehab and Care Center in Anacortes to recuperate.
The San Juan County Health and Community Services Department is now accepting registrations for its 2009 septic tank inspection classes. Last year’s classes filled quickly and organizers maintained a lengthy waiting list for many sessions.
The Water
Community Calendar
The U.S. presidential election is just around the corner, and the deadline to register to vote is 30 days before Nov. 4, 2008.
The San Juan County Economic Development Council (SJC-EDC) was awarded a $30,000 Rural Opportunity Fund (ROF) Grant from the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED).
Meet the candidates who want your vote in November. Find out how they stand on the issues that matter to you. The League of Women Voters of the San Juans has scheduled two general election forums for Saturday, Oct. 11.
As summer turns to fall, many of us are cleaning out our closets and switching over to the warmer items in our wardrobe. Instead of shoving unwanted coats to the back of the closet, there might be a better use.