Happenings at Lopez Library

Lopez Library’s adult winter reading program will run from Jan. 3 to March 31. The program is open to all adults who have read a book, watched a movie and have something to say about it.

Lopez Library’s adult winter reading program will run from Jan. 3 to March 31. The program is open to all adults who have read a book, watched a movie and have something to say about it.

The library invites any adult readers to send in reviews which will then be entered into the weekly prize drawing. The winning reviews will be posted on the library’s adult webpage and are frequently published in The Islands’ Weekly. Email all reviews to librarian@lopezlibrary.org.

On Feb. 1 and 8, there will be an opportunity to expand, refresh or other wise begin, your skills with web work.

The Family Resource Center in collaboration with the library will present a class on web design and online marketing. The class will be held, at the library in the community room.

The class will consist two, two hour sessions, beginning at 5:30 p.m. These sessions will be led by Adrienne Adams, who is a principal at Cloud Islands internet design and marketing, and specializes in website design, promotion and marketing services.

Reservations are required. Call LIFRC 468-4117 for more information.