For 30 years Suzi Marean kept quiet. She thought no one would believe her if she did speak up and felt, “such shame and I knew I would be blamed for the rape if I told anyone.
I blamed myself.” Then at the age of 50 she attended a a training for victim advocates in domestic violence and sexual assault services. She broke into tears after hearing another woman’s story of child abuse and with caring people at her side, she revealed her painful history. Marean was abused by a family member as a child and later assaulted as an 18-year-old college student. The act of speaking of her past was the first step that lead Marean to finally go into therapy and work on healing.
Now she works as the Lopez Community Advocate for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services of the San Juan Islands (DVSAS). Marean offers advocacy counseling, which is not therapy, but rather a sympathetic ear that helps empower and educate. DVSAS can refer those who want help to a licensed mental health therapist for 12 free sessions of therapy.
Survivors of sexual assault often hide their trauma because they believe something is wrong with them.“There isn’t,’ said Marean. “Something wrong happened to us,” Marean wants to draw attention to April, Sexual Assault Awareness month with her personal story of abuse to let others know, “… there is hope and they are not alone.”
For more information call Marean at the Lopez DVSAS office at 360 468-3788 or the 24-hour Crisis Line at 360 468-4567.