Changes at the Weekly

April will see changes in the Islands’ Weekly staffing and location. Effective April 30 the office will have moved further into Lopez Village. Moving began April 12 so please have patience in this time of transition. The new location will be in the space behind Lopez Village Properties near to Holly B’s. All email and telephone information will remain the same.

April will see changes in the Islands’ Weekly staffing and location. Effective April 30 the office will have moved further into Lopez Village. Moving began April 12 so please have patience in this time of transition. The new location will be in the space behind Lopez Village Properties near to Holly B’s. All email and telephone information will remain the same.

Cathy Brewer, resident in the San Juan Islands for six years, will now take on Jonathan Dupuis’ position marketing representative. As of April 5 she began her duties and will be traveling between Anacortes and Lopez. She is available by email: