112th annual nation-wide Christmas Bird Count

This year marks the 112th annual nation-wide Christmas Bird Count, sponsored by the National Audubon Society. The event is 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., breaking for a hot lunch and wrapping up the day with a potluck, Saturday, Dec. 17, for the 2011 San Juan County Christmas Bird Count on Lopez Island.

This year marks the 112th annual nation-wide Christmas Bird Count, sponsored by the National Audubon Society. The event is 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., breaking for a hot lunch and wrapping up the day with a potluck, Saturday, Dec. 17, for the 2011 San Juan County Christmas Bird Count on Lopez Island.

The bird count is run by thousands of volunteers all across the nation, who brave the cold, rainy, and sometimes snowy weather in December to contribute to the longest-running citizen science database on bird populations in the United States. People from all walks of life, from artists to students to scientists, grab their binoculars and field guides and go out on scheduled routes for all or most of the day and count every bird in sight. The enthusiasm and dedication of volunteers have helped create a source of valuable information on historical and current bird populations that helps to shed light on current trends of hundreds of North American bird species. Contact Charlie Behnke and Kelley Palmer-McCarty at vaktel@gmail.com, 466-8601 for more information and to volunteer.