Do you wonder where your hard earned money goes? Would you like help managing your personal and/or business finances? If you answered yes to these questions, you may want to sign up for one of two new financial literacy classes being offered by the Lopez Island Family Resource Center (LIFRC) next month.
The first class is “Quick Books Intro.” This course is geared towards business owners or those who keep records for them. The three session course will familiarize students with the basics of bookkeeping and QuickBooks software, including bookkeeping terminology, set-up of lists, back-ups, data entry, account reconciliation and reports. Course is appropriate for students new to QuickBooks as well as those who are using QuickBooks, but want to know how to get more from the program. Class will be held on from 5:15– 7 p.m. for three Mondays beginning Nov. 2 and the cost is $35.
The second class, “Introduction to Quicken” is more geared towards individuals. Quicken is one of the top-selling software programs of personal finance management available. It offers an easy way to manage your personal finances, stay on top of bills, and set budgeting and savings goals. Class meets twice and will teach the basics of setting up accounts, data entry and reporting so that you can track your spending and plan for the future. Class meets from 4-5 p.m. on Monday Nov. 9 and 16 and costs $20. Participants will receive a copy of Quicken software for their use at home.
The Resource Center recently received a $10,000 grant from the Harvest Foundation and financial support from the San Juan County Economic Development Council to offer some Small Business and Financial Literacy Classes.
“We have been very excited about the success of our small business classes,” Celia Marquis, Executive Director for the LIFRC, said. “This is our third season of offering the class. Jamie Stephens, local business owner, has been instructing, and has done a fabulous job.”
This fall, the Small Business Class filled immediately. LIFRC had so many people on the waitlist that they decided to offer another session and now have 35 students enrolled in the classes.
“We believe that encouraging and supporting community members to create business will help strengthen Lopez,” Marquis said.
Participants of the Small Business Class are surveyed about future classes they would like to see and the two workshops being offered in November are a direct result of the feedback received. The Quick Books and Quicken Workshops will be taught by Cathy Vierthal, founder and owner of Island Business Services in Eastsound. She has over 25 years experience with bookkeeping, payroll, and office management.
Both classes will meet at the Lopez Island Family Resource Center Technology Lab. Basic computer skills are required. Space is very limited and participants must pre-register. Call Patsy Haber at LIFRC (468-4117) to register.