Northwest singer-songwriter Dana Lyons will come to Lopez on May 1 to release his new CD “Three Legged Coyote.” The release will be part of a benefit concert for the Fisherman Bay Marine Health Observatory, a collaboration of San Juan Islands Beach Watchers and the Lopez-based conservation laboratory Kwiáht.
Moving Right Along, Here… Retrograde Mercury in Taurus. Retrograde Saturn opposing Uranus, again. Tuesday’s Full Moon in intense Scorpio, revealing…
This beater was submitted by Skip Peralta and son Lucas. Peralta says that the history of the car is a little ‘‘hazy’’ but that it sat and rusted in a Lopez field for 20 years before being taken on by them. “Just had to put flames on it,” says Peralta, adding that Lucas has done half the work on the vehicle. “The doors stay shut with bungee cords, windows don’t roll down, but drives really sweet.”
Jeff and Debbie Walvatne of Lopez Island announce the engagement of their son Ryan Eugene Walvatne to Kathleen Elizabeth Gustafson, the daughter of Daniel and Donna Gustafson of Jamestown, N.J.
Although there was talk of forming a quilt group as early as 1981 on Lopez Island, it wasn’t until 1984 that a formal group of quilters coalesced. The group was begun by members of the Senior Center specifically for the purpose of making a raffle quilt to help the Lopez Seniors earn money to establish a new meeting place. That first group of dedicated quilters successfully raised $2,000 with their first quilt.
On April 30 Woodmen Hall will play host to the second in the “Home on the Grange” concerts. The show will feature “Taarka” who played to a packed Grange in last year’s concert series. Because the show will be in Woodmen this year, the larger pace will allow both sitting and dancing.
Retrogrades! Okay, Mercury is now fully retrograde in the sign of Taurus (stability, security). You know the drill for the…
Are you looking for beautiful prose or gripping action that makes you turn the pages? Do you crave characters that make you weep or a setting in a landscape or time far, far away? Or are you, like one of my favorite characters, Alice, looking for conversation? Do you like to peruse the pictures and perhaps the captions and maybe only then read the text if your interest is piqued?
Need to return your library books and films but dread finding a parking place? Drop them off at the new grocery store! You asked, we listened.
The Friends of the Lopez Island Library annual meeting and open house is April 15, 5-7 p.m., in the Lopez Island Library. The event is open to the public. Librarian Lou Pray will introduce new library technologies. There will be a drawing for prizes. Library volunteers will be honored. New board members will be introduced. And “yummy treats” will be served.
“Lyrical, impassioned, funny.” “A dazzling combination of poetic fireworks and music hall humor.” “A moving and hilarious account of one spring day in a Welsh fishing village.” This is how critics have described Dylan Thomas’s “Under Milk Wood,” the production opening at Lopez Center Wednesday, April 21, and continuing through Sunday.
The Weekly spoke with some of the actors in the upcoming Under Milk Wood play being performed at Lopez Center about why they participate in community theater and why they wanted to be in this particular play. Each of them plays more than one role.
New Moon and Another Saturn/Uranus Opposition