Horoscope By Triana J. Elan — May 30 – June 5, 2011


Partial Solar Eclipse June 1st

This week sees much more harmonious aspects than we’ve seen all this year yet. It begins with the Moon in the sign of security seeking Taurus, in a lovely aspect to transformative Pluto. This will truly make the coin drop for many, as we make our way through a world in upheaval and radical changes to what we consider to be normal.

On June 1st the New Moon in swift thinking Gemini partially eclipses the Sun (solar eclipses always occur with the Moon in the same sign as the Sun), and this will especially be felt by the Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces born during the first week of their respective signs. The Sagittarius/Gemini cycle of eclipses has the Mutable signs being as mutable as can be due to the adaptation eclipses demand we make. June will kick off in a rather empirical manner due to the major Taurus influence, then the inner planets will march on into Gemini and next week expansive Jupiter will move into Taurus where he will stay for a full year.

Jupiter’s transit through Aries has been very short (a “fast transit”) from January to June, half the time he usually spends in one sign. This has been due to no retrogrades. The Great Benefic will retrograde in August, but will not return to Aries during that time. So, Taurus, get ready for extraordinary luck for a year, and think back 12 years to what you had attempted or gained, for these things will be readdressed.

Happy June!


Aries (March 21- April 19): We begin the second half of the year with new ideas for saving money and preparing for next year already. Your sign is full of good intentions, but I truly hope you’ll follow through! A New Moon with a partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of mental Gemini on the 1st may put a chain reaction of miscommunications into motion so be sure everyone’s on the same page (try not to micromanage that, though). Be sure to make your intentions clear and follow them up with action.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20): We start the week with four planets in your sign (including the Moon in a lovely angle to Pluto the Transformer). On June 1st, a partial solar eclipse takes place with the New Moon in your sector of money; be careful about loaning or borrowing during this time and be sure a solid agreement for payback is achieved; it may not be money but something else such as garden equipment. Don’t let your things go missing and don’t keep what isn’t yours! That’s the way to smooth your path during this eclipse.


Gemini (May 21- June 20): The big news for you this week is a partial solar eclipse in your sign as we make our way through the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse cycle. June 1st is the day of the eclipse, and your life may be going sideways (what else is new?!). With so much emphasis in your sector of Endings, this eclipse will be especially strong for you, so make it good by ending outmoded habits and people you really don’t like to be around. That will lighten your feet so you can fly through the week unencumbered.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Lots of activity in your sector of Friends/Goals still, and you are making good headway even if you think you’re not. Everyone is trying to adjust to the “new normal,” and you just want to feather your nest with comfy things rather than splash and style. On the 1st we have a New Moon/partial solar eclipse in your sector of Endings, so you may have a cut in communication with someone for a while. Your mind needs a rest!


Leo (July 23 – August 22): You’re still contemplating your career moves and advances, and I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to stick with those you trust and lay the ground for what is coming next. Financial gains are entirely possible in the next couple of weeks so grab it while the grabbing’s good! A New Moon and partial solar eclipse occurs on the 1st in the sign of Gemini, so your methods of distributing information and coordinating social events will change for a while.


Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Such an emphasis on learning and using spirituality in a pragmatic manner is ironing out your inner wrinkles. Don’t worry about the outside wrinkles; you’ve earned every one of them! June 1st brings the New Moon along with a partial solar eclipse in the sign of Gemini so you may see some kind of changes at work or in your career regarding how you all relate to each other. That shouldn’t be a problem, especially if it’s your own idea!


Libra (September 22 – October 23): We still have three planets in earthy Taurus that are giving you the grounding you need, which is very good. If you are starting a business with a partner, this is an especially good time to do so. You artsy Libra natives should have plenty of energy to produce rather than think about it. This time is about manifesting! The New Moon also brings a partial solar eclipse in your companion air sign Gemini on the 1st, and this will change the message you are either receiving or emitting. It’s a good, solid week where you can gain headway.


Scorpio (October 24- November 22): The week begins with three planets and the Moon in your opposite sign of Taurus, so your sector of relationships is still very active and you may have a standoff situation where you just can’t come to an agreement. Assess those priorities to see if whatever it is is really that important. On June 1st, the New Moon partially eclipses the Sun, both in Gemini. The effect will be felt in your solar sectors of shared assets and finances. Steady as she goes! Eclipses are always harbingers of change so be sure all the numbers add up.


Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): The buildup in the sign of Taurus sees you either engaging in abject hedonism or focused on a health regime. If you’ve been depriving yourself, you are likely to indulge in that favorite milkshake, doughnut or day on the couch this week. On June 1st the New Moon in your opposite sign of Gemini partially eclipses the Sun, and this will turn a significant relationship around. There may be a slip in communication or even no contact for a while. You can be pretty darned blunt, but if someone has hurt your feelings you’ll let them know about it this week for sure.


Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Three planets in Taurus have you feeling mighty calm, and the Moon in Taurus starts the week on a very stable note. This is a very good week of rare stability in the Heavens, so take full advantage of it. On June 1st, the New Moon partially eclipses the Sun in the sign of Gemini; this takes place in your solar house of work/health. Be sure your strength is good and that you’re getting enough rest so you don’t get a summer cold! Those are the worst ones!


Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): We start the week with three planets and the Moon in earthy, solid Taurus. You are able to make headway on home projects and attention to family members who need you. On June 1st, the New Moon partially eclipses the Sun in your companion air sign Gemini, and this could bring about news of a long distance trip or, if you’ve applied for college, a change of major or plans for college life. Since you are all about change and movement, you’ll be fine.


Pisces (February 21 – March 20): This week begins with three planets plus the Moon in Taurus, giving you that feeling of either being dammed up or going in a certain direction. Manifestation is the keyword while this Taurus collection is occurring and since your solar sector of thinking/communicating is so active, you’re able to make gains in areas that need to be solidified. On June 1st the New Moon in Gemini partially eclipses the Sun and this will bring about a change in your home life; if the weather can get better, this likely means you’ll be outside and on, in or near the water somewhere.