In the October 26 issue, Steve Wehrly reported Washington Wire’s claim that “the typical family of four would pay an additional $490 a year for groceries.”
How much money did you receive for the full, page ad against 522? How much of that money was from out of state?? For shame! I and many other readers are sorely disappointed that our local rag has given in to the corporate powers.
False: “Proposition 1 is a small change in the Charter.” True: This represents small change with enormous consequences. This would remove a prohibition on changing County Council districts by initiative.
There are many reasons I’m voting for Dixie Budke, Del Guenther, John Helding, and Clive Prout for the Lopez school board.
Currently, our charter requires an elected Charter Review Commission to make recommendations to the voters for any changes to council districts and the number of council members.
This proposition was put forward last May in a last ditch effort by a disgruntled, lame duck, six-member county council to change our current charter. If approved, it may lead to:
At the League of Women Voters meeting here on Lopez last Thursday eve, Bob’s opponent listed the many improvements made at the airport during his lengthy tenure.
Have you been to Woodmen Hall recently? If you have, you have seen the repairs and changes to the building. The building was slowly falling apart when the Seniors took it over.. The person who guided this work was Paul Berg.
I attended the Candidates Night on Lopez Island last evening and how interesting it was. John Helding displayed a wonderful breadth of experience and knowledge about Lopez School.
We are writing to Lopez community members to request your support and vote to reelect John Helding, Clive Prout, Dixie Budke, and Del Guenther for the Lopez School Board.
I am writing to oppose San Juan County Proposition 1. This Proposition is an attempt to run around what the voters decided last year on how to change the charter.
There’s an old adage about Letters to the Editor; “be quick, be concise, and then be quiet”! We’ll try!
I am writing to voice my support for John Helding, Dixie Dudke, Clive Prout and Del Gunther.