Slideluck Potshow comes to Lopez

Eleven years ago, Casey Kelbaugh decided to combine of two of his interests, food and art. His first experiment of what is now known as a “Slideluck Potshow,” a play off the words slide show and potluck, was held in his tiny Seattle backyard with about 50 friends. Surrounded by talented artists, Kelbaugh said the event “brought artists out of their studios into a common space and allowed for creative expression and cross-pollination.”

Eleven years ago, Casey Kelbaugh decided to combine of two of his interests, food and art. His first experiment of what is now known as a “Slideluck Potshow,” a play off the words slide show and potluck, was held in his tiny Seattle backyard with about 50 friends. Surrounded by talented artists, Kelbaugh said the event “brought artists out of their studios into a common space and allowed for creative expression and cross-pollination.”

By 2006, Slideluck Potshows drew upwards of 1,000 people and requests to host an event were coming in from all around the world.

Slideluck Potshow is now a nonprofit operating multimedia slideshows combined with potluck dinners in about fifty cities around the world.

And it is coming to Lopez, Sunday, Sept. 2 at the Lopez Center for Community and the Arts, with the potluck at 6 p.m. and the slideshow at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 at the door and bring your favorite dish.

These local photographers will be featured: Robert S. Harrison, John A. Garcia, Glen Maxson, Nancy Edwards, Peter Fromm, Kate Hatfield, Linda Lee Hudson, Christopher McCool, Peter Cavanagh, Tracey Cottingham, Greg Ewert, Weekly editor Cali Bagby, Casey Kelbaugh, Steve Horn, Trevor Snapp, Alan Jeffries and Sharon Zobali.

“This is going to be a great event,” Harrison said. “We have a wide range of local photographers, from amateur hobbyists to professional photographers who are showing work from around the world.”

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