Dime-a-Gallon voluntary tax

By Members of Transition Lopez Island

To take our local climate responsibility up a notch, Transition Lopez Island is partnering with the Lopez Island Friends Meeting to launch the Dime-a-Gallon Fund, a voluntary personal carbon tax, based on the amount of gasoline consumed by a household. Funds will be used to support activities and organizations that promote environmental, social and economic resiliency within our community.

As part of Compassion Lopez activities, the project kick-off will take place April 21-27.

In Washington, transportation represents nearly half of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the state. On-road vehicles alone account for more GHG emissions than contributions from coal- and natural gas-fired power plants, fossil fuel industries, industrial processes (such as aluminum and cement production) and agricultural uses, combined.

According to a survey done by graduate students from Monterey Institute of International Studies and presented in their 2012 report “Lopez Island 2025,” Lopezians drive an average of 6,374 miles in their primary vehicle and 3,569 miles in their secondary vehicle for a total of almost 10,000 miles per household annually. State average, according to WSDOT, is around 12,000 miles per household.

This translates roughly to about 400 gallons of gasoline used per household at $3.50 per gallon or about $1,400 of gasoline cost per year. At 10¢ per gallon of fossil fuel used, the average household would contribute $40 per year to the Dime-a-Gallon Fund.

Despite the known environmental impacts of fossil fuel use, this voluntary carbon tax does not reflect the true environmental, political, and social costs, but does provide a small incentive for us to consume more conscientiously.

This project is modeled after the Voluntary Carbon Tax projects started by the Strawberry Creek Friends Meeting in Berkeley, California and the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It builds upon the long tradition of Quaker Friends’ commitment to justice and the environment.

Community members are encouraged to monitor their own fossil fuel and energy usage and contribute to the fund. To get started with Dime-a-Gallon and calculate your contribution amount, pick up information and a free handy notebook at Blossom, Lopez Village Market, Southend General Store or the Library, or fill out an online form at transitionlopezisland.wordpress.com.

Your Dime-a-Gallon cash or check contributions can be dropped off in the locked cash boxes provided at one of the above locations or paid at the Blossom checkout counter or online.

To learn more, join us at the event launch during the week of April 21–28, visit our website or call Ron Metcalf at 468-2276 or Marisa James at 468-3444.