Look Skyward!

Look Skyward!

Look Skyward!

There is a gorgeous triple conjunction occurring between Venus, Jupiter and the waxing Moon! During the past few nights if you have been able to see the sky at sunset, you will have been able to see Venus and Jupiter at a mere three degrees of separation, brightening up the heavens in a spectacular display. Now the Moon joins in, forming an isosceles triangle, inspiration for a sense of wonder and mythos.

The big news now is that Pluto (transformation and the unconscious) has changed signs officially and has entered Capricorn. This is big stuff as a new generation will be defined by this placement and it also heralds a new age in global governments. On the very day the Pluto changed signs, the attacks in Mumbai broke out. A major planet changing signs often triggers events on the very day the transit takes place. Since Pluto is in Capricorn, and Capricorn rules governments, look for change, change, change. Not just us. Everyone is in this, right down to the individual.

Pluto will remain in Capricorn for the next fifteen years, marking a turning point in our lives. Where it falls in your chart depends, of course, on your own planetary placements. People born late in 1956 and early 1957 are now experiencing Pluto in a trine with itself, a major life transition and a real surge of power as all those wishes and desires founded within our authentic selves beckon to be made real. We ignore this at our own peril. Now is the time to make the changes.

Aries (March 21- April 19): Two areas of your solar chart are very active. First, your sector of career is on an upward path, packed with opportunities and changes. This will remain for a long time due to Pluto having entered that sector. You have a chance to be a trailblazer and a pioneer of sorts. The other active sector for you is your sector of expansion/travel. If you are breaking new ground, expect great results!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Transformative Pluto has now entered your sector of expansion/travel/spirituality. You have the chance to take the reins, be the master of your own ship! This is a very fortunate time for you so stay focused on the bright side and keep an open mind. Your health or work also takes a turn for the better now, and you may be acquiring a new pet. It’s looking good!

Gemini (May 21- June 20): So much concentration is going outward for you now, as you focus on your relationship (s) and intimate matters. This is a long-term trend, and it’s possible that the shift in assets has put you into a situation where someone else has control over them. This could be a good thing for you, since you have other things to think about and your nerves can’t take so much juggling.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Watch for a significant upward shift with your spouse or partner. Transformative Pluto has now entered your sector of relationship, and it will be there for the next fifteen years. You have ground-breaking opportunities to make what is good even better and to set long-range goals. In the area of work and health, the bases are also loaded. Make that extra push to get things moving.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Your sector of creativity continues to be bright and sparkly, and your sector of work has reached a new dimension now that Pluto has moved into that sector. Get ready for some complete changes over the next years! The foundation you lay now will bear fruit so keep the faith and stay loyal to your vision. One step at a time, and you’ll make it.

Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Transformative Pluto has moved into your sector of creative expression, where it will remain for the next fifteen years. This brings an extra spark to your life and you will see the results fairly quickly and be able to hang onto them. These are fortuitous times for you. Your sector of Home is also lit up, and it could be that you are hosting a crowd for the holidays. Given your earthy nature of hospitality, those folks are lucky to know you!

Libra (September 22 – October 23): Pluto has entered your sector of Home, joining Jupiter and Venus. This is a pretty amazing time for you, and Pluto’s entrance onto the scene has you reeling! If you have to let go of something and downsize, or if you need the change your ideas and goals, know that you will ultimately be happy with the results. There could be a power struggle involved, but at this time it’s best for you to just let go and get some relief.

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Your sector of finances is loaded, but let’s have a look at your sector of learning and communicating! Pluto has now entered that sector and a grand three-way conjunction occurring right now brings your level of learning and processing information to a new level. Being the Fearless One, you are poised for new adventures and expanding heights if you take full advantage of this fortuitous time. These times are packed with magic, and you’re just the one to find the secrets.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): The Heavens have their eye on you too, with a gorgeous three-way conjunction in your solar sector of money. Pluto has entered that sector as well, so over the next fifteen years, your way of making money will morph and develop and craft you into a master. This economic crisis has forced many to hit the “pause” button, including you. Scale down, unload the extra weight, and strike the trail of discovery with a lighter load.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 21): Pluto has now entered your sign, where it will remain for the next fifteen years. A three-way conjunction between Venus, Jupiter and the Moon paves the way for your presence being not only felt but also appreciated. You are striking new ground now and you don’t need to jockey yourself into a position of respect. Just be who you are. This is an incredible time for you.

Aquarius (January 22 – February 20): Your friends help you usher in a new age as transformative Pluto enters your sector of Endings/New Beginnings, completing a cycle and starting a new one. This is your time to level the playing field and work your magic on new ground. Hang out with fun people and try not to be too analytical. Sometimes spontaneity is a good thing and you can live through it!

Pisces (February 21 – March 20): A fabulous and auspicious triple conjunction is taking place in your sector of goals and friendships right now, giving you the opportunity to turn over a new leaf and renew your hope for the future. Pluto has now entered your sector of goals and friendships as well, setting you up for a 15-year period of discovery and transformation. Couple this with an emphasis in your sector of career and you are in for some terrific new times, a whole new life and sense of identity.