Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice!

It’s here and hopefully we will be able to feel a real summer! However you celebrate, do it well and beautifully.

The Full Moon toward the end of the week will be partially eclipsed, and barring clouds, it will be visible to us only as the Moon is setting on the 25th (26th Universal time).

Significant changes will be triggered by Mercury’s movement into emotional Cancer, forming a T Square with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and Pluto.

Aries (March 21- April 19): You have a distinct advantage this week thanks to Jupiter and Uranus arm in arm in your sign. But don’t fall asleep at the switch! Toward the weekend, mental Mercury moves into your sector of Home, and will form an antagonistic angle with those two might planets…you may have a Saturday Night at the Fights incident, or you could be blindsided. If there is someone with whom you have a conflict now, the end of the week could see it all come to a head. It will be swift though, and not dragged out. The Full Moon will be partially eclipsed in your sector of career too…use this week to prepare and minimize damage.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): This week continues much the same, but toward the weekend changes will occur due to communicative Mercury entering your sector of thinking/communicating and forming a T-Square with Jupiter/Uranus in your sector of Endings and Pluto in your sector of Expansion. This translated into a possible hiccup with plans or a goal you have due to a misinterpretation, delay or simply sloppy protocol. Spend the week shoring up the details and following up so you don’t get surprised. The partially eclipsed Full Moon this weekend brings activity in your sector of Expansion as well.

Gemini (May 21- June 20): Your Ruler Mercury glides into your sector of finances and forms a T-Square with Jupiter/Uranus and Pluto, bringing money issues close to home in an unexpected way. Since this is a very fast transit, it won’t be long-term, but you want to be on your toes and at the ready. The end of the week Full Moon will be in partial eclipse in your sector of intimacy/shared assets; this will bring a change in the coming months in that regard. Pay attention to details and dance your way through any shifts and changes, as you always do!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Swift thinking Mercury moves into your sign at the end of the week, forming a T-Square with Jupiter/Uranus and transformative Pluto, so your sectors of career and relationship will see some potentially emotional action. Refrain from jumping to conclusions or overreacting. Don’t deny facts, simply respond appropriately. The partially eclipsed Full Moon in your sector of relationships bring an end to an outmoded aspect there, so you have some changes coming at the end of this week!

Leo (July 23 – August 22): The end of this week sees action for all as swift-thinking Mercury sails into your sector of Endings and forms a T-Square with Jupiter/Uranus and Pluto. An emotional incident or miscommunication may precipitate fast action in your sector of Expansion, and it actually may be a good thing. The partially eclipsed Full Moon in your sector of Work/Health potentially sees you saying goodbye to a female co worker in the coming weeks, or another prominent female in your life.

Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Fiery Mars in your sign gives you the necessary fuel to take a corner on two wheels toward the end of this week when Mercury enters your sector of Friends/Goals and touches off activity in your sectors of intimacy/shared assets and creative expression. You may have an unexpected encounter with someone who challenges your world view in such a way that moves you to action in a healthier way. The partially eclipsed Full Moon at the end of the week brings changes in your sector of Creative Expression also; watch for a prominent female figure in your life to bring those changes in the coming weeks.

Libra (September 22 – October 23): Fast moving Mercury moves into your sector of Career at the end of the week, and if you were born during the third week of September, you will experience a real boost of energy and some intense movement in significant areas of your life in the coming weeks. If you are involved in a legal dilemma, you will see changes and challenges now, and the partially eclipsing Full Moon at the end of the week in your sector of Home could bring changes in terms of a significant female in your life. Countdown starts, so be ready!

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): You are one of those signs able to see beneath the surface features, and your fine eye will detect changes in the areas being rattled toward the end of this week; Swift Mercury enters your sector of Expansion, touching off significant activity in your sectors of Work/Health and Communicating. Looks like long distance communication brings powerful news your way that will affect you directly. The partially eclipsed Full Moon at week’s end will trigger changes in your sector of Communication also.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): This is a month of steady but slow progress for you, and toward the end of the week you will see a significant shift in your sector of Expansion due to your Ruler Jupiter’s presence there and a powerful signal from Mercury being sent from your sector of Work/Health. This could mean so many different things, but you will see where it applies to you. The partially eclipsed Full Moon in your sector of finances will bring financial changes for you in the coming weeks too, so get ready for that. Don’t get reckless with your money!

Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Toward the end of the week you will experience a blip on the radar due to swift Mercury’s entrance into your sector of relationships, touching off a reaction in your sectors of Career and Self-Image. The partially eclipsed Full Moon in your sign also brings changes in the coming weeks; the signals all read, “Don’t push too hard…not yourself or anyone else.” So, don’t push. Just hang back and see how it plays out.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): You have such a whacky life, bumps in the road are simply opportunities to go airborne! The end of this week brings some changes and potential potholes in your path as swift thinking Mercury moves into emotional Cancer, and this will trigger activity in your sectors of Communication, Work/Health and Endings. Put the puzzle together; you’ll have help from the partially eclipsed Full Moon that will give you clues.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20): You will have lots to do in the coming weeks due to Mercury flying into your sector of Creative Expression and triggering a cascade of activity in your sectors of money and friends/goals. If you are engaged in teamwork, look for forward movement. Watch also for the departure of a prominent female with the partially eclipsed Full Moon in your sector of Friends/ Goals. This will be timely, so don’t worry!