It’s That Time Again…

It’s That Time Again…

Here we are coming up to mid-August and on Wednesday and Thursday nights the Perseid meteor showers will be at their peak! The New Moon will make the sky brilliant with planets and stars and meteor showers providing we don’t have any clouds, so make a plan to do some midweek skygazing with your best buddies!

There is so much going on, so much to discover, uncover, change, enhance and solve…wow. Truly, this is an opportunity for us to be at our best, because really, when we’re comfortable we fall asleep at the switch. Sigh.

I know the San Juan County Fair is coming up very soon, and that is such a blast and a great way to celebrate a great community. For folks elsewhere that are reading this column, the San Juan County Fair is an inter-island event where local talent is showcased in everything from farming, equestrian games, photography, art and crafts and way more.

So, what’s up in the Heavens? Pretty much the same stresses, but Mars and Venus are beginning to move away from Saturn and detach from the T-Square (the T-Square remains, though…don’t let the guard down yet). A New Moon in Leo happens on Monday night, so stargazing will be terrific because of the lack of moonlight. Grab the blankets and thermoses and tarps and snacks and friends! I hope this year’s meteor shower is spectacular! Make lots of wishes!!! It will be a week of magic!

Aries (March 21- April 19): Mars and Venus are still conjunct in your sector of relationships but they have moved away from the big T-Square. Looks like you are making progress! For this week, make it a point to gather your outdoor gear and go out on Wednesday and Thursday night (weather permitting) and see if you can see the annual Perseid Meteor Showers! This is the biggest meteor shower of the year, and the New Moon won’t get in the way! If you look in the night sky you can see Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus glowing, so blow Jupiter a kiss (he’s in your sign), slap on a smile and revel in the changes you are creating.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): You don’t like rustic, but this week will be a great one to catch the Perseid meteor showers! Get your flask of tea or hot chocolate, something scrumptious to snack on, something to wrap yourself in and enjoy the show if we have good weather on Wednesday and Thursday nights! Mars and Venus in your sector of Endings have moved beyond the big T-Square and your results are beginning to show. If you’ve destroyed someone’s china shop, now would be a good time to make amends unless they truly deserved it.

Gemini (May 21- June 20): With so much fire and air elements in the sky, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that you’ve achieved levitation! If you’ve managed to dodge bullets this far, you’re probably doing better than most. Go out on Wednesday and Thursday nights and see the Perseid meteor showers! The New Moon in your sector of short trips spurs you to get out and around; get your plans finalized this week if you’re not already on the road!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Mars and Venus have moved off of the big T-Square now, and they are marching hand in hand through your sector of Home…aren’t you tired of company yet? Or are you the company and you want to go home now? At any rate, the New Moon in your sector of money might make you wish you hadn’t spent quite so much, but in general, the most crazy stuff is passing for now and you have a good handle on what needs to be done. Information is good!

Leo (July 23 – August 22): The New Moon in your sign will make the skies nice and dark so you can watch the Perseid meteor showers on Wednesday and Thursday night! The T-Square is still in effect and will be for quite a while to come, so I’ll tell you when it’s over. So much fire and air in the Heavens, you don’t want to flame out early and miss all the fun! Don’t try to be too classy these days because in order to truly have your ear to the ground you need to know what the riffraff is doing.

Virgo (August 23 – September 21): You made it to this week, good for you! Now listen, don’t you dare find fault with yourself if something has gone stupid in your life. With so many things around the planet going crazy, you can be counted on for some good practical examples as long as you don’t literally have your chickens in the kitchen. Your financial sector is loaded with Saturn, Venus and Mars there (Venus and Mars have moved off of the T-Square but Saturn is still locked in). With your inventive mind, you will rig up something wonderful and surprise yourself! Be sure to catch the Perseids this week!

Libra (September 22 – October 23): Venus and Mars have moved off of the big T Square but Saturn remains. You may be feeling an awful lot of pressure right now, and a health issue may be bothering you. If that’s not bothering you, something sure is, because this is a bothersome time for you and the other Cardinal signs right now, especially if you were born early in your sign! But look, this week will be great skygazing with beautiful planetary displays and the Perseid meteor showers so get outta town and celebrate the wonder that is the Universe!

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Time to ponder the Universe because this is going to be one terrific week of skygazing between the spectacular planetary alignments and the Perseid meteor showers! If you are bothered by having to transition from one thing, place or person to another, just know that in general things are trying very hard to get better, and it has to hurt if it’s to heal. This is an amazing time to be alive, so explore those mysteries and grab every opportunity at your disposal to enjoy your time on the planet!

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): While you may feel like you’ve lost something important, wait for a while before you decide to throw in the towel. Folks have been very hair-trigger lately, including yourself! Now listen, Archer…there is a sky full of wonders for you to go out and look at this week, especially Wednesday and Thursday night when the Perseid meteor showers are going on, not to mention a glorious display of Saturn, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. The New Moon will allow for great viewing (occurring in your sector of Expansion, by the way). Keep aiming high.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Even at the best of times you’re not long on patience, but this T-Square business has rattled your cage. Your assignment for the week is to pay no attention to politics in any way, shape or form. Engage in no conversations about same. Instead, focus on a different subject of your choosing (not one that will get you riled up) and find someone to talk about it with. You’ll learn, and learning is good for everyone. Wednesday and Thursday night will be the height of the Perseid meteor showers, and the planets are putting on a glittery show too! Go out and be a child of the night this week!

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): Since you never cooperate, I’m not going to tell you not to do anything for this week! The T-Square is still in place, and this may cause erratic behavior from others in your life or workplace. Don’t try to analyze too much if you don’t have to because there are some things you just won’t understand. Fire and air rule this amazing time and since you are an air-sign mental type (no, I did not say “mental case,” pay attention) you try to figure out ways to make peace but right now you’ll just make things worse. Go out and look skyward on Wednesday and Thursday night to catch the Perseids!

Pisces (February 21 – March 20): Well Fishie, it just gets curiouser and curiouser, doesn’t it? You may be engaging in comfort food or drink or whatever bad habit times of stress brings out in you, but look…it is what it is, so there is only one thing you can do, and it’s entirely up to you. While you’re trying to figure it out, be sure to gather round with your best people and look to the skies this week; the Perseids will be in full force Wednesday and Thursday, and the planets are putting on quite a nice show, too! Enjoy the warm nights while we have them and keep the faith. We’ll make it!