Last Week of Retrograde Mercury

Last Week of Retrograde Mercury

On the world stage, this retrograde has been a hallmark of bizarre occurrences, but we are now in the last week of it and this is good! We have a New Moon in the sign of Virgo on Wednesday. While it is in the same sign as retrograde mercury, the New Moon is in later degrees so they won’t meet up with each other.

Venus changes signs this week and moves into intense Scorpio, so the Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will feel this most intensely in the form of a rush of energy and sense of empowerment. Of course, everyone will feel it but the aforementioned signs will feel it most profoundly.

Autumn is fast approaching, and as we wind down from summer, I will be on Lopez Island offering chart readings on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this week. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with me, please call 360-383-6531. Hope to see you! Aries (March 21- April 19): The big T-Square aftermath is upon us, and the New Moon in your sector of work/health sparks activity there; retrograde Mercury is also in that sector of your chart, so get your flu shot! You don’t want to take any chances this week because it will be one of lots of activity due to Venus changing signs and moving into your sector of intimacy/shared assets. Now that school has started and most of the tourists are gone, it’s time to turn your attention back to your home and things that got left by the wayside.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): The New Moon in your sector of creativity bolsters retrograde Mercury in that same sector; this could spark off a glorious accident that leaves you smiling in the area of accidentally discovering something! Your Ruler Venus changes signs this week, moving into your sector of relationships, so look for your close relationships or your love life to improve and take on new depth. This will be a fascinating week!

Gemini (May 21- June 20): This week’s New Moon falls in your sector of Home, and your retrograde Ruler Mercury is also there; you may have a cooking failure that leaves you howling in frustration. As long as nobody gets hurt, that’s really no problem; there’s always cereal and good company won’t care! Venus changes signs this week, gliding into your sector of work/health. It would be a good idea to get a checkup this week or next to make sure you don’t get any sniffles or something that will slow you down!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): You’re more than ready to bury yourself at home but it’s not going to happen because there’s a lot of stuff to get done out and around. The New Moon in your sector of short trips really triggers to urge to burrow, but retrograde Mercury in that same sector says, “Ya gotta go.” Venus will move into your sector of creative expression this week, so that will help you really get a lock on what needs to be done and do it in an efficient manner.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): An already crazy time remains so, and you are busier than you want to be; looks like lots of paperwork. Oh, joy. The New Moon in your sector of finances where retrograde mercury has been brings a need to reassess finances and get the books straightened out. It could be something got overlooked during the summer madness. Venus changes signs and moves into your sector of Home, and this will be the best place for you to get things done as long as other household members don’t bug you.

Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Retrograde mercury has been in your sign effecting you in really nutty ways for three weeks, and now the New Moon occurs in your sign; this is good because it will erase some of the boo-boos that have occurred, so take heart! If you are planning a little road trip, next week would be the time to do it, and Venus moving into your sector of short trips/communication will assure you smooth sailing. See? It’s not so bad. Treat yourself well.

Libra (September 22 – October 23): The New Moon in your sector of Endings brings a sense of closure to something that the retrograde Mercury in the same sector ran over. You may feel a bit like road kill right now, but your Ruler Venus moves into your sector of finances, and this brings a new opportunity in the coming weeks for you to stash something away for the winter. Time to turn inward and really look at where you want to go in life next.

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): The New Moon this week falls in your sector of goals/friendships, where retrograde Mercury has wreaked some havoc. You will be able to let go of something that’s been bugging you. This will be made possible by powerful Venus moving into your sign and brining you a rush of feeling good on all levels. You don’t like to leave things unresolved since your sign is one that gets to the point and cuts through the fluff. This will be a good week for clarity.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): Just one more week of retrograde Mercury to go (this one), and the New Moon in your sector of Career brings a work-related matter to a close. You may be finished with a job, more is coming so don’t panic. Venus changes signs this week and moves into your sector of Endings, which renews you on a deep level and prepares you for your new phase to close out a crazy year. Spend this week tidying up the messes from summer and your friends will be of great support since energetic Mars is still in your sector of friendships/goals.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): The New Moon this week brings an end to some of the nutty energy of the retrograde Mercury; this is the last week of the retrograde, and you can already feel the heavy energy lifting. Powerful Venus moves into your sector of goals/friendships this week, so you will turn your attention to a collaborative effort that has a great sense of purpose to it. This is very good. Remember to be on the team, though! You don’t want to be the only one pulling the wagon!

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): After a couple of weeks of alternately laughing and howling, the New Moon brings a sigh of relief from your sector of intimacy/shared assets. Something lost will be found or replaced, and you’ll be a happy camper. Venus changes signs and moves into your sector of career, so you will be focusing on your work or business with a sharp eye. Try not to use a sharp tongue too, unless you have to. This week has the potential to be a really good one!

Pisces (February 21 – March 20): While your relationships have been really nutty and full of misunderstandings and phrases such as, “If I heard you correctly, you said…” you get relief because the New Moon wipes out the urge to overreach when someone else really isn’t playing fair. Powerful Venus moves into your sector of Expansion this week, and this sharpens your focus. Your decisions will feel better and your resolve will be stronger, enabling you to refrain from sitting on the fence. This is the last week of retrograde mercury, so mop up and put that spring backing your step!