Annual Plant Sale on May 11

Lopez Island Garden Club Celebrates Sustainable Gardening for 75 years.

Where were you in 1943? Garden Club members were engaged in the business of sharing and plant sustainability. Now, as it was 75 years ago, the original sharing mission continues, but with an enhanced community vision. The Annual Plant Sale proceeds now help support the Lopez Island School garden program and also provide a continuing education scholarship for Lopez Island graduating seniors.

The Plant Sale will be held on Thursday, May 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Woodmen Hall. Plants are donated by club and community members, as well as local farms and businesses. In addition to plants, other featured sale items include garden tools, mulch, gift cards, consulting services, garden art and a variety of other garden-related treasures.

A much-awaited highlight of the annual sale is the silent auction that will conclude at 11 am.

All community members are invited to share plants or garden items. Many gardeners are starting or dividing their plants now. If you can, please also make some extras for donation. Please label your plants. Your plants will sell faster if they look healthy. The delivery date is May 10 from 3-5 p.m. at Woodmen Hall. This is a fantastic way to beautify your garden with local plants and help our island kids be healthy and prepared for their futures.

If you want to join in the fun and volunteer contact Plant Sale Chair, Julie Gilbreath, at 360-468-4070 or email