Vote yes on M&O school levy | Letter

The Lopez School District’s replacement Maintenance and Operation Levy (M&O levy) will be on the Feb. 11 ballot that we will receive in our mailboxes next week. This levy replaces the current 4 year levy that expires at the end of 2014.

The Lopez School District’s replacement Maintenance and Operation Levy (M&O levy) will be on the Feb. 11 ballot that we will receive in our mailboxes next week. This levy replaces the current 4 year levy that expires at the end of 2014.

While the state legislature continues to be under a court ordered mandate to fully fund basic K-12 education in Washington state, this court ordered obligation has not been met.

Along with other school districts in the state, Lopez School District is dependent on these local levy dollars to operate our school.

This levy will continue to be at the maximum levy lid allowed, as was the expiring levy, covering approximately 23 percent of the school’s annual budget. Your vote is crucial for the operation of our school.

Please vote YES when your ballot arrives so we can meet the voter turnout requirement to validate the vote and so our students can continue to count on us to receive the support they need and deserve.

Carol Steckler

Lopez Island