Steve Adams — Fair, Balanced, and Practical

Steve Adams is the best choice for Port commission position #2. Steve will bring a fair, balanced, and practical approach to the issues facing the Port

Steve Adams is the best choice for Port commission position #2.  Steve will bring a fair, balanced, and practical approach to the issues facing the Port.

Steve values preservation and diversity and will bring these core values to his work as a Port Commissioner.  Steve is committed to preserving local control of our transfer station and also preserving the sense of community and pride we all feel for our “dump.”  Steve listens to and respects diverse viewpoints.  He will seek public input, be transparent in the Port’s deliberations, and is committed to working collaboratively to develop practical and sustainable solutions and programs at the Port.

Steve has a firm grasp of airport operations and will bring this knowledge and experience to his work as a Port Commissioner.  He understands the economic benefits the airport provides to our community and also the essential medical services it provides to Lopez Island.

Steve has articulated a sound process for the Port to explore its mission of providing access to waterways.  His approach would include seeking community support; developing a realistic and sustainable financial plan based on this community input; using local professionals to research potential marine access points and develop a plan; and finally, after an open and public process, implement the plan.  Steve’s approach to this issue is a perfect example of how he will approach all issues facing the Port of Lopez.  He will be fair, balanced and practical.  We can count on that every time.

Steve’s talents, skills, experience and long time commitment to our community make him a great candidate for the Port of Lopez.

Please vote for Steve Adams for Port Commission position #2.

Roland MacNichol

Lopez Island