Bailey for port

Now is the time to take the Port of Lopez seriously. It is more, much more, than an airstrip and adjoining facilities. It is also mandated by state law to promote the economy of the whole community.

No one understands this better than Larry Bailey who has entered his name for Port Commissioner in the coming election.

In the 42 years that Larry and Maryann have owned property south of the airstrip he has promoted, supported and sometimes criticized the actions and decisions of the commissioners. But he has always been engaged.

Larry understands the great potential for economic develop through the Port that has not been tapped from lack of vision and interest. And Larry knows how to activate that potential.

No one would deny that the Port Commissioners’ first responsibility is for the safety and adequacy of our airport. And they are in good shape. But the Port is also intended by state mandate to be an engine for the economic health of the community. This includes support for small industries and services: job training, a community kitchen (as in other towns our size) , developing affordable housing and becoming pro-active for projects on and for Lopez Island.

Larry Bailey is the only candidate who has the energy, the wisdom, the experience and the vision to lead the Port of Lopez to serve us, all of us.

Murray Trelease

Lopez Island