Town Hall Meeting on the Update of the Critical Areas Ordinance

The topics for the meeting will be a summary of progress on the Update, and a detailed discussion of the Wetlands Section


County Councilman Jamie Stephens will host a Town Hall Meeting on the Update of the

Critical Areas Ordinance at the Lopez Library on Fisherman Bay Rd., Friday, September 9, from

10:30-12:30 p.m. Shireene Hale, Planning Coordinator of the SJC Community Development and

Planning Department will lead the discussion.


The topics for the meeting will be a summary of progress on the Update, and a detailed discussion

of the Wetlands Section. Lopez members of the Planning Commission have also been invited to attend.

A copy of the Wetlands Section of the Critical Areas Ordinance Update is available on the County

website under Special Projects, CAO, Notices & Documents. For more information,

please contact the Clerk of the County Council at 378-2898.