Islanders say they are fired up and ready to go when it comes to equal rights for all.
“We want locals to be a part of what is happening in our country,” say organizers.
The Island Women’s March is Jan. 20 in Friday Harbor. We will meet at noon at the Friday Harbor Courthouse on First Street, next to the American Legion. The protest starts at 12:30 p.m.
The Saturday ferry schedule leaves Lopez at 10:15, Shaw at 10:35, Orcas at 10:50 arriving in Friday Harbor at 11:30. Return Schedule leaves Friday Harbor at 2:50, arriving at Orcas at 3:35, Shaw at 3:50, and Lopez at 4:20.
According to a recent press release, organizers said, “We will be marching to engage and empower ALL people to support human rights, women’s rights, voting rights, civil rights, social justice, racial equality, environmental rights, disability rights, LGBT rights, reproductive rights, indigenous people’s rights, immigration rights, health rights, veterans rights and liberty and justice for all.”
This simple less-than-one-mile walk is to protest against the current administration. Organizers are predicting this protest will be a much larger march than last year, due to the the #metoo movement, which spread awareness about sexual harassement and abuse through social media.
“Bring your signs and your passion and join us in demonstrating that the current administration’s policies are not America’s policies,” said organizers.