Tarn Wilson at Lopez Bookshop on June 15

Submitted by the Lopez Bookshop

Submitted by the Lopez Bookshop

Author Tarn Wilson will be at Lopez Bookshop on Wednesday, June 15 at 7 p.m. She’ll read from “The Slow Farm,” a memoir of her countercultural childhood.

In the early 1970s, Wilson’s father quit his job, packed his family into a converted school bus, and headed for the Canadian wilderness. He planned to give his two young children an Edenic childhood, free from the shadows of war, materialism and middle class oppression.

Wilson writes and teaches in Silicon Valley, far from the outhouses and kerosene lamps of her rural childhood. She earned a master’s in education from Stanford and an MFA from the Rainier Writing Workshop at Pacific Lutheran University. Her essays appear in Brevity, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, River Teeth and The Sun, among others.

Wilson’s reading at Lopez Bookshop is free and open to the public. For more information visit lopezbookshop.com.