Sometimes the best things on Lopez Island are free

Last month the Lopez Center for Community and the Arts launched a program to offer free classes to the community every Wednesday morning. This past Wednesday the LCCA hosted the first full morning of classes.

By Robert S. Harrison

Special to the Islands’ Weekly

Last month the Lopez Center for Community and the Arts launched a program to offer free classes to the community every Wednesday morning.

This past Wednesday the LCCA hosted the first full morning of classes.

Terry Marshall taught Senior Tai Chi from 9-10 a.m.

Afterwards Abigail Morgan Prout taught a Nia Dance class from 10-11 a.m.

Nia is a dynamic cardiovascular workout that stimulates and integrates your mind, body and spirt.

Prout explains the class as a blend of dance, martial arts and the healing arts.

“If you want to feel good in your body, come to a Nia class,” Prout said. “It is a fun way to enjoy yourself and create community.”

From 11-12 a.m., Ken Law taught an all ages yoga class.

“I felt it was a really fun and enjoyable class, with students who were interested. Everyone gave me really positive feedback,” said Law who has taught yoga for the last ten years. “It made me excited to teach there again.”

Law recently moved from the East Coast to San Juan Island. He describes the class as a gentle Hatha flow style yoga for all levels.

“The yoga class was exceptionally good,” Ron Metcalf said at the end of class.

Here is the schedule for the next month:

9-10 a.m., Senior Tai Chi, every Wednesday.

10-11 a.m., Nia Dance, for the next 3 Wednesdays.

11-12 a.m., All Ages Yoga, for the next two Wednesdays.

If you are interested in teaching a free class or would like to know more about the classes that are currently being offered, visit