Shakin’ San Juan Islands – preparing for an earthquake

It’s not too late to join your neighbors and the nearly 1 million Washingtonians participating in the Great Washington Shakeout earthquake drill.

It’s not too late to join your neighbors and the nearly 1 million Washingtonians participating in the Great Washington Shakeout earthquake drill. The shakeout drill is an opportunity for participants everywhere to practice what they would do in an earthquake.

As of today, 23 million people from 37 states and 4 foreign countries have registered to participate in Shakeout drills on Thursday.

Here in the San Juan Islands some of the hazard is from a Cascadia Subduction zone, Devil’s Mountain, or South Whidbey earthquake.  You can prepare today by signing up <> for the Shakeout drill, and “Drop, Cover and Hold on” Thursday, October 17 at 10:17 a.m. If you have any questions about the drill and how to participate please call 370-0587.

Please check out the DEM website: for more specifics on how to prepare your family, neighborhood and business for earthquakes and other disasters.