Rental assistance available for San Juan County tenants and landlords

Submitted by San Juan County.

Are you a San Juan County Tenant who has fallen behind on rent as of March, 2020? You may be eligible for assistance.

Who can apply?

1. Applications can be completed online for either the Tenant or Landlord:

Tenant application –

Landlord application –

2. Landlords should first encourage the Tenant to apply. Tenants will be contacted and will still need to verify information, sign documents, and provide income documentation if the Landlord initiates the application.

3. If the Landlord is applying for the Tenant, they will need to know the basic eligibility information listed above and additional screening information that includes:

-Tenant address and contact information

-Current rent arrears owed including which months and amounts

If you are unable to complete the application online (provided in the links above) and would like to speak with someone about your rental assistance needs, please call the Opportunity Council at (360) 734-5121 extension 308. Messages will be responded to in the order in which they are received. Language interpretation services are available.

Additionally, the resource centers on each island are available to provide support for the application process and have information on other assistance and support that may be available.

Lopez Island Family Resource Center:, 360-468-4117

Orcas Community Resource Center:, 360-376-3184

Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center (San Juan Island):, 360-378-5246