New Waldorf teachers hired

For the second year running, the Waldorf community of Orcas Island is running a pre-school/kindergarten program at the School of the Salish Sea.

For the second year running, the Waldorf community of Orcas Island is running a pre-school/kindergarten program at the School of the Salish Sea.

Additionally, they are expanding this year with a Monday through Friday schedule and aftercare options. Adhering to the Waldorf education and curriculum, the school offers a program for children 3-6 years of age.

The new lead teacher for this coming school year is Kirsten Gustafson. Gustafson is a graduate of Kimberton Waldorf School and of the University of Massachusetts. She has years of experience leading a multi-age class and comes from a strong family background of Waldorf educators.

Gustafson is joined in her teaching this year by Rebecca (Becky) Siegwart. Siegwart has lived on Orcas for over three years, starting at Camp Orkila as an Outdoor Environmental Educator. She holds a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts and has many years of experience as an assistant in pre-school and kindergarten classrooms. The new teachers say they look forward to helping grow and develop the Waldorf program.

The School of the Salish Sea starts the school year on Sept. 13, at their location on the YMCA Camp Orkila property. This host property offers acres of forest, fields, gardens and beaches for exploration. Classroom hours are 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with additional aftercare offered. The school is connected to the larger island community of Waldorf supporters and welcomes involvement on many levels. The school is committed to working towards the process of accreditation with the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA). They are currently enrolling for fall; interested parties should contact them at or by calling 376-4552.