Lopez Island School District recently received notification that it has received renewed accreditation for school year 2007-08 from the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools (NAAS).
This accreditation was awarded following a comprehensive self-study initiated by the district last spring. This self-study process culminated with a review by a panel of community, professional, and school personnel representatives who studies presented artifacts and examples of school programs and assessments. The review team was facilitated in their day-long work by a representative of the NAAS who then made a recommendation to the NAAS Board.
At its recent annual meeting the NAAS Board approved the recommendation to fully accredit Lopez Schools. “The mission of the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools is to advance excellence in education through the process of accreditation,” states the website of the NAAS. Accreditation by an agency such as the NAAS serves as a statement to students, colleges, the local and international community and others that the school has met rigorous standards of instruction and accountability in its K-12 program. It signifies recognition of the school’s promotion and maintenance of a well-balanced educational program. The Northwest Association of Accredited Schools is widely recognized as a leader in the accreditation of public K-12 schools. Lopez Schools first sought and received accreditation from NAAS in 1999.
“To receive this accreditation, and having received it by a review by professionals from other school districts and by representatives from our Lopez Community, makes a great statement about our good schools,” said Principal Roland MacNichol.