Lopez parents: Support is there for you

Catalina Kohring held her bundle with care.

Anyone would. Kohring’s new born daughter is only a few weeks old and is as tiny as a doll.

While Natalya may be fragile, she is also hard work. Kohring is a young, new parent and this first chapter of motherhood has not been without its trials.

Kohring said, “You really have no idea until it actually happens…at the time pregnancy seemd the hardest part, but it’s not.”

This is a mother who loves her child, but also knows that sometimes a little extra support is needed.

Kohring’s story is not unique on Lopez. It was to provide support to parents that Tessa Downey and the Lopez Island Family Resource Center started the group “Baby, Toddlers & Me.”

Downey, office administrator for the LIFRC, sees the group as an opportunity for parents to gain support and socialize.

Downey said, “The resource center’s goal is to support parents, reach out and offer a saftey net. Island life can be isolating for some parents…Having children is so rewarding, but at times can be very stressful. Having a support group can validate your feelings, empower your judgement, and encourage friendships with other parents.”

When Kohring was still pregnant, her mother posted the suggestion of a parent support group on Lopezrocks.org, the popular local information forum.

Kohring was relieved to hear that such a resource already existed. The group meant that the new mother would have access to a parent community, people to offer advice and share in her experiences. Downey said, “When you are a new parent you are always wondering if you are doing things right.” This group is a chance to soothe that confusion.

“Play groups have been around on and off for years,” she said, explaining the genesis of ‘Baby, Toddlers & Me.’ “Diane Dyer, a public health nurse, recognized a need for a parent infant/toddler support group a couple years ago. The resource center started researching grants and ideas on how to get the information out to parents and see what the interest was.”

Everything fell into place two years ago, when a funding source coincided with the birth of Downey’s first child.

Downey said, “In 2009 we received funding from the Childrens Trust Foundation. I had an infant so it seemed like a perfect fit. The LIFRC encouraged me to reach out to and start meeting with parents, talk about parenting, the goods and the bad, and the confusing.” With both the inspiration and the finance intact, “Baby Toddlers & Me” came to be, and has grown and developed ever since.

The group meets from September to May, every other Wednesday at Grace Church, 11 a.m. “Moms, dads, aunts, and grandparents have all joined from time to time,” Downey said. She added that any Lopez residents with a background in art, music, or infant and child massage interested in volunteering for one of the scheduled events, should contact the LIFRC.

Parents who are interested in joining the group, should attend a session, or look at the website, www.lifrc.org, for more information. To get on the email list, contact the LIFRC at www.lifrc.org or by phone, 468-4117.

As for Kohring, she looks forward to finding advice and company from the play group, “(Natalya) is a really good baby, I feel lucky, but (parenthood) is not without its challenges.”