Lopez Island Farming Education’s Garden & Farm Project raised over $5500


The seven members of Team Lopez Island Farming Education’s Garden & Farm Project (LIFE) were among the 1100 bicylists in the 2011 Tour de Lopez.  Family and friends celebrating Kay Keeler’s 75th birthday, biked more than 31 miles, raising over $5500.  LIFE encourages K-12 students to learn appreciation for nature, nutrition, community, land stewardship and the environment through growing, harvesting, preparing and eating their produce for school lunch.

Lorrie Swanson, Farm to School program coordinator said, ”This is like a shot of adrenalin and will allow us to expand so we can ‘Grow A Row’ and contribute more food to the community Evening Meals put on by the Omnivores.  The money will make possible a more sustainable program by providing a lawn mower and weed eater and a shed for our tools, as well as outfitting our new 4th hoop house with potting tables, a sink for washing produce, and the addition of a classroom for outdoor experiencial learning”.

Third grader, Ty Greacen, for an assignment of what changes the new principal should make, wrote, “Dear Princeapal, If I were you, I would change the school to have more garden time. First of all, more planting would mean more education and fun.  Second of all, more harvesting would mean more organic and helthy food for our meals.  Third of all, more seed packageing would mean more math and art.  Fourth of all, we will have more fresh air and outside time. I don’t know about you, but this is what I’ll do“.

Students and other Lopezians can start training to cycle in the 2012 Tour de Lopez benefiting both the upkeep of the Chamber of Commerce’s Village Green, and the opportunity to have family, friends and neighbors pledge per mile for their Garden and Farm Project.

“It’s not too late to unleash the power of community,” said Keeler. Send your check to Lopez School Garden & Farm Program, 1731 Center Road made out to LIFE Gardeb abd Farm Program, a non-profit 501(c)3 with Federal Tax ID #571145193.