Lopez gears up for fireworks

At least ten days before the big display, the Pyrotechnicians and other volunteers will work around the clock for the final push before the big firework show.

By The Fireworks Committee

Several of the volunteer pyrotechnicians have been in the group from the beginning of the firework show, others have joined over the years. For most of the volunteers that work on the fireworks, this is a once you start, you can’t stop kind of experience.

The pyrotechnicians, who are responsible for lighting up the sky, cannot actually see the fireworks from ground zero, the bunker where the fireworks are set off from, but they can hear and feel the show especially the salutes, which are the loudest, and can get the adrenaline pumping.

At least ten days before the big display, the Pyrotechnicians and other volunteers will work around the clock for the final push before the big show.

This year the marks the 25th anniversary of the firework show and the efforts of its numerous volunteers.

How did it all begin?

Jim Scripps, many years ago celebrated the Fourth of July by shooting off fireworks from a ŅrockÓ just off Charles Island. The population of Lopez would flock to the south end, in the area of Richardson to view the fireworks. Scripps and his caretaker Butch Larson would set off a few fireworks, then sometimes 10 to 20 minutes passed before a few more would go up in the air. You were never quite sure when the show was over. With Scripp’s passing a little over 25 years ago, a group of people got together and began to organize a group to do the fireworks display for Lopez Island. They initially kept the fireworks on the south end, but decided to move the display to Fisherman Bay where more people would be able to view the show. It began small and has been built up year after year, to what it is now.

The show has gone way beyond just shooting off a beautiful display for the public to view and has received publicity far and wide, with verbiage as Ņthe largest all volunteer, the most artistic, the biggest, the best.Ó The fireworks show is known to saturate Lopez with visitors; the Washington State Ferry System even, sometimes, acknowledges Lopez’s popularity with extra boats.

Even the fires, which prematurely ended two shows in the past, caused a great deal of publicity, not all good, but possibly helped draw more attention to the show. As a result of the fires, the Lopez Fireworks Committee now meets with several organizations to make the day better and safer for all that attend. The Fireworks Committee, the Fire Department, Sheriff Department, Chamber of Commerce, and the Road Department all coordinate their efforts in traffic control, fire and medical safety. The Lions club allows the Fireworks and the Chamber of Commerce Float to lead the parade each year, collecting donations to support the fireworks display.

The Fireworks Committee appreciates donations big and small, especially the kids who joyfully give out their pennies. The Lopez Yacht club collects donations from boats in the bay and moored on docks. The committee believes that the economy of Lopez is strengthened by the show, not just on the Fourth of July but for the whole year.

And on July 5 the committee will begin planning for next year’s show.

One of the ways that the organization raises funds for the purchase of those wonderful fireworks is the selling of “Fireworks” T-shirts 9regular and tie-die sweatshirts, hats and “boom” pants. The Chamber of Commerce Office is the place to get your shirt, or call 468-2816 or online at www.lopezfireworks.com.

The key to the success is one word – Volunteer – everyone in this organization is giving of their time. About 10 or so of these volunteers work pretty much year round for this organization. During this next week, our group of volunteers grows greatly, and without this help, we could not do what we do.

The fact is that we could use more help in all areas of our endeavors. Even if you can give only one hour of your time, it will be greatly appreciated


Duties: from now through July 4 – decorate trailer, decorations will be provided.

4th of July March in the parade collecting donations along the way.

Benefits: Plenty of fresh air and exercise. Meeting some really great people along the parade route.


Duties: Arrive at Peninsula Road Otis Perkins Park 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Objective to make the area look like Fireworks never happen there.

Pay: Coffee and sticky bits. With of course wonderful beach front dining

Benefits: Plenty of early mornings exercise lots of fresh air and participation in a great group activity.


Duties: From now until July 5. Help sell the shirts either at the Chamber Office or other locations.

Pay: You can wear a red fireworks volunteer shirt On the 4th of July

Benefits: Interaction with the public. Some exercise and fresh air.

Please apply for the job(s) of your choice by:

www.lopezfireworks.com sign up to be a volunteer

Email at – needle@rockisland.com

Phone – 468-2816 (please leave a message we will call you back)

Mail to – Lopez Community Fireworks Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 701, Lopez Island, WA 98261