LIFRC presents community conversations

In January, the Lopez Island Family Resource Center (LIFRC) will kick off a series of educational programs addressing some of the most widely discussed issues of our day.

In January, the Lopez Island Family Resource Center (LIFRC) will kick off a series of educational programs addressing some of the most widely discussed issues of our day.

LIFRC Board member Kim Pasciuto describes the impetus for Community Conversations: “The idea came to me during the past year or so, as I became more aware that my lens for community action in areas like civil rights, police/community relations, LGBTQ issues, immigration and mental health systems was dated. Additionally, as I began to participate more I learned that my notions of how to participate were also outdated. I suspect that I am not alone and that other community members would welcome a chance to become more knowledgeable about these subjects and their impact on our island community. People want to participate in a meaningful, effective, and welcomed way.”

The inaugural event on January 23, 2016 will be a presentation by Jorge Baron, Executive Director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project. It will be held at Grace Church Hall at 7 p.m. The events are open to the public and free of charge. Childcare and refreshments will be provided.

Island residents are invited to learn about Social Justice with Karen Toering of the Social Justice Fund at the second event on Wednesday, February 10th. In March, a panel will address the Health of our Mental Health Services in San Juan County.

Each event will include a question and answer session or other interactive piece and a list of resources that will be available at the Lopez Bookstore, Library or online.

Community Conversations is a collective project of several community partners, including LIFRC, the Lopez Community Land Trust, Leadership San Juan Islands, and Transition Lopez Island. The Lopez Bookstore and Lopez Library Books will make available books and resource materials related to each forum topic. LIFRC is the convener of Community Conversations and is the sponsor of the first three events, but any community organization can propose, sponsor and lead a Community Conversation on a current topic of broad interest among island residents. For info contact, Kim Pasciuto, LIFRC board member,