Library News

San Juan Library

San Juan Library

Among many other things, San Juan is busy working on our next digitization project. With funding from a generous grant our Library is working with the San Juan Historical Museum, Town of Friday Harbor, and the San Juan National Historical Park to put out a call to community members to share items that help tell the story of what it means to live on our island from the turn of the century to the recent past.

Wondering what to do with your grandmother’s old quilt? What about those old letters and photographs. How about something more recent like a piece of your winning 4th of July Parade float. Bring it in to be scanned or photographed!

These items will become part of an online computer collection for all to see and learn from. Not only will this help us preserve our unique history for our current and future generations, but it will also cultivate our sense of identity and strengthen our community.

And one of the best parts about this project is anyone can share items without having to give up ownership of the item even for a day. We will scan it on the spot and send you home with the original as well as an electronic copy. We will also have an audio recorder to capture the bigger story behind individual items.

The first opportunity to share items will be Saturday February 28th at the High School Library from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. We will have two scanners and one photographer and a lot of volunteers. We can take anything you can bring inside the high school library. In addition to regular sized photographs and text, we will be able to digitize large format and 3-dimensional objects. You can make an appointment in advance or just show up. To make an appointment call the Historical Museum at 378-3949 or email at

Other days are Saturday March 21st from 10-2 at the High School Library and Saturday April 18th from 10-2 at the Historical Museum.

This grant was awarded by the Office of the Secretary of State, Washington State Library Division, funded by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).