The library receives thousands of donations of print and non-print materials each year.
Donated items that fill a need in the library are added to the collection.
However, most go directly to the book sale. We have learned from long experience what sells and what doesn’t.
We have to be selective because of storage limitations and the labor involved in sorting a huge quantity of items.
Publication dates and condition are important. The Friends of the Library accepts saleable books published in the last 10 – 15 years in good to excellent condition.
Books must not be musty or dirty and cannot be underlined or highlighted. We are unable to sell such books. Paperbacks must have covers.
Do not leave:
n Items which are unhealthy too handle or dirty, moldy, smelly, burnt, chewed or wet, or have bugs.
nText books over five years old.
nDefaced materials: dirty or dusty, broken spines, pages with underlining or marks, smoke infested.
nBooks that have been stored in damp areas.
nHomemade DVDs, CDs, videos, or cassette tapes
nReader’s Digest condensed books
If you donate any of the above described books or materials, a volunteer must transport them to the dump in the back of a car.
The Friends are then required to pay a fee to recycle them thereby using valuable funds intended for the library.
We are grateful to recieve:
nMaterials in excellent to good condition.
nHardback books and paperbacks published within the last 10-15 years.
nNon-fiction books that are no more than 10 years old, depending on the topic.
nDVDs, VHSs, CDs in original packaging
Most wanted list:
nSan Juan Islands
nYoung Adult
n Health & Wellness
nCurrent Science
Thank you for your donations of good used materials to the library and for adhering to our guidelines. Your generosity will help the library to grow.
Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for the Lopez Island Friends of the Library to fund programs and purchase materials for our library.
We are happy to provide written acknowledgment for all gifts.
Tax Receipt:
You may be able to deduct the value of your donation on your income taxes if you itemize deductions.
If you want a receipt for income tax purposes, please ask for it at the circulation desk.
We will then provide you with a signed receipt that you may use when filing your income taxes.
We do not assign a value to the books you donate. You must determine the value of your donation.