Leadership San Juans’ Open House

Leadership San Juan Islands invites islanders to participate in its yearly, five-month professional development program.

Leadership San Juan Islands invites islanders to participate in its yearly, five-month professional development program.

Participants engage in 11 sessions from January to May.

If you have ever had thoughts of becoming more knowledgeable and skilled at getting things done in the county, come to the 10th Anniversary Open House.

The event on Lopez is  Wednesday, October 2, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 70 Sunset Lane.

Businesses and agencies across the county play an essential part in the success of the program. Individuals and organizations willing to offer fiscal support are encouraged to come and ask questions.

Sponsorships can be provided to students by an employer, a local nonprofit, or other community member.

Applications to the 2014 Cohort X class are available at the Open House or at the website.

Deadline for submissions is October 31, 2013. For more information: http://www.lsji.org.