LCLT presents screening “Just Eat It”

Submitted by the Lopez Community Land Trust

Submitted by the Lopez Community Land Trust

Lopez Community Land Trust is presenting the movie “Just Eat It” at its 27th Annual Meeting, Friday, March 25, at 7 p.m. at Lopez Center. According to Variety magazine, the movie is a “hugely entertaining study of America’s culture of excess…. will leave audiences gobsmacked.”

As a society, people devour countless cooking shows, culinary magazines and foodie blogs and simply love food. So how could nearly 50 percent of food be thrown in the trash? Filmmakers, and food lovers, Jen and Grant dive into the issue of food waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge. After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good food that is tossed each year in North America, they pledge to quit grocery shopping cold turkey and survive only on foods that have been discarded. As Grant’s addictive personality turns full tilt towards food rescue, the ‘thrill of the find’ has unexpected consequences.

The 75-minute film features interviews with author, activist and TED lecturer Tristram Stuart, food waste expert Dana Gunders and acclaimed author Jonathan Bloom. “Just Eat It” looks at our systemic obsession with expiry dates, perfect produce and portion sizes, and reveals the core of this seemingly insignificant issue that is having devastating consequences around the globe. This film brings farmers, retailers, inspiring organizations, and consumers to the table in a cinematic story that is equal parts education and delicious entertainment.

“Just Eat It” is the winner of ten festival awards, including Best Canadian Documentary (Projecting Change Film Festival), Audience Choice (Reel Earth Film Festival, New Zealand), Best Environmental Film (Bend Film Festival) and Grand Prize Best of Show (Filmshift Festival).

All are welcome. There will be a very short LCLT Annual Meeting to elect new Board members Jessica Roundy and Anne Hall and finalize the sale of an unbuildable lot on the south end of Lopez.

LCLT focuses on local solutions to global as well as local issues, and hopes this movie will spark further local action. Since its founding in 1989, LCLT has formed six housing cooperatives and provided 40 households with affordable housing. These households in turn own at least 14 vibrant local businesses, work as local employees, volunteer as fire fighters and EMS technicians and serve on many boards and committees. Additionally, LCLT developed the first USDA approved mobile processing unit; the FoodMetrics lab, certifying safety of food-based products; the seed library to keep appropriate and GMO-free seed for farming on this island alive; co-founded the School’s LIFE Garden Program; and coordinates the Grain CSA with seed cleaner and mill to enable local grain flour. LCLT offers interns farming opportunities on local farms and at the School’s LIFE Garden Program. Refreshments will be served.