Imagination can lead to reality, feel the water

This coming Saturday, Aug. 1, there will be a Friends of Lopez Island Pool Friend Raiser at the Community Center from noon to 3 p.m. to share current news about the Lopez pool and celebrate how far we have come.

By Friends of the Lopez Island Pool

Special to the Weekly

This coming Saturday, Aug. 1, there will be a Friends of Lopez Island Pool Friend Raiser at the Community Center from noon to 3 p.m. to share current news about the Lopez pool and celebrate how far we have come. You will have an opportunity to view the plans AND see the pools laid out on the Community Center land. Fun games for all ages will be happening in this virtual pool that relate to the many swim programs that will eventually be offered at our pool. This celebration date and place was changed because of the safety concern of the hard and bumpy land where the pool property is actually located.

Perhaps we have to imagine having a pool before we really do have a pool.

Imagine the feeling you would have as a parent to know that you kids really did know how to swim and you didn’t have to worry about them when they were in or near the water. Imagine your kids or grand- kids are bouncing off the walls and you have a fun place to take them to run off that energy. And they are clamoring to go, too.

Imagine your significant other or best friend has a frozen shoulder after having broken their wrist. The wrist is healing but the shoulder is very painful. The doctor says physical therapy – the best is in water to help support their body as they move their shoulder ever so gently and safely. Relief. And it will heal faster now that Lopez has its own therapy pool.

You have always loved to swim but found it hard to get your family involved in being in the water. But now they clamor to go to family swim days where each can do the same thing in the same place, but doing it each their own way.

So much good food. Fruit dropping off the trees and yummy choices everywhere you turn. Aquatic exercise is three times a week–a good workout and fun, too. More energy and feeling more fit. So easy to do and well attended, too. There are exercise classes for beginners and those more advanced.

Imagine a beautiful pool building near the school with light shining through the translucent roof. Inside are two pools, one 75 feet long, four lanes wide for lap swimming, for master swimming, and deep water activities. The other pool is 30 feet by 40 feet warm, water, gradual entry, therapy and learn-to-swim pool with handicap access. If even one of these scenarios fit you, perhaps it would be easy to imagine having our own pool on Lopez that is for everyone to enjoy and use. See you Aug. 1 at Lopez Center.