Help with the hunt for health coverage

Shopping for an insurance plan is one of the most uniquely frustrating and stressful experiences imaginable, but Lori Taylor, an independent broker and owner of Health Insurance Northwest, is the piece that puts the human element back in the process.

By Anna Haefele

Special to the Islands’ Weekly

Shopping for an insurance plan is one of the most uniquely frustrating and stressful experiences imaginable, but Lori Taylor, an independent broker and owner of Health Insurance Northwest, is the piece that puts the human element back in the process. For the last 11 years, Taylor has been aiding locals and off-islanders in their hunt for health coverage, linking individuals and small businesses with providers that meet their needs.

Taylor understands the difficulties of the insurance trade from the consumer perspective.

“It’s a very convoluted industry,” she said.

However, despite the insurance industry’s notoriously bad reputation, Taylor prefers to keep things positive. She said of her role as a broker, “I’m not a salesperson…I love the personal connection, and I love representing integrity within the industry.”

Taylor got started in the industry when she herself was looking for an insurance plan back in 2001. She had such a positive experience with her own agent that she decided to try her hand at the trade.

“Once I started, I really loved it. I became a top producer in just a short time,” she said.

She started out as a “captured  agent,”  affiliated with a specific provider, but in 2007 she decided to be an independent broker to be able to offer more options for her clients. Although she serves people across the state, most of her clients are north of Seattle.

While her business is a huge part of her life, she’s quick to clarify that it isn’t her whole life. She balances her professional success with a passion for mosaic art, sailing, and a deep appreciation of nature. She’s also a grandmother and an active member of the island community.