Good fun and good work done by LCTN beach walkers

Kirman Taylor

Kirman Taylor

Lopez Community Trails Network

On Saturday, March 12, the Lopez Community Trails Network had its first “Go Take a Hike” of the year.

It was a beach walk from Odlin County Park, around Flat Point, then down to the Village with the intention of both having fun while doing some good by cleaning up the flotsam and jetsam on the beach.

There were ten people participating including: Kirm Taylor, Mike and Taya Higgins, Liz Taylor, Charlie Janeway, Ron and Sheila Metcalf, Mike Moore, Volodymyr Voronov, an exchange student from the Ukraine who is a junior at Lopez High, and Nick Teague, with the San Juan Islands National Monument.

We started at Odlin just before noon as we were concerned about the incoming tide. The walk was both beautiful and a little arduous as there were logs that we had to climb over and a beach full of large rocks to be stumbled over.

We picked up over 150 pounds of trash. The most common was Styrofoam and bits of plastic in varying sizes. There were also crab pot buoys, an anchor, cans and bottles, ropes and much more. Nick Teague rowed his dory south from Odlin, met us at Flat Point and took aboard much of the trash we had collected up to that point. That was also a good stopping place for lunch. The view was fantastic.

Then we soldiered on south, collecting more debris, until we finally arrived at the stairs by the Bay Cafe, tired but happy. We were especially glad that the weather had cooperated and we did not get the expected rain. Some of the collected trash will be picked over and used for a Beach Trash Art Project by the school.

The next LCTN “Go Take a Hike” will be a birding identification walk led by David St. George on April 30. You can contact David at 468-2496 or by e-mail at, if you are interested. For more information about the Lopez Community Trails Network go to