Fulfilling the dream of green living

It all started with a dream inspired by an article read on an airplane. Now 23 years later that vision is getting shined up and turning into a reality.

It all started with a dream inspired by an article read on an airplane. Now 23 years later that vision is getting shined up and turning into a reality.

Linda Di Bona and Patt Moore are launching their business Green Gables Natural Home Interiors on Nov. 1. Green Gables features cabinetry, counter tops, tiles, textiles, flooring and paint and architectural finishes, all with a green focus. The products are a combination of materials that are organic, natural and recycled content. For instance, they only use wood and bamboo that comes from sustainable resources. As for what product is her favorite, Linda said that it is impossible to choose.

“I love it all,” exclaimed Linda about their products. “It’s exciting to me to have a whole line that fits into that original vision.”

The origin of that vision goes back to that airplane ride, which was a flight to Lopez Island for her brother Alan Di Bona’s wedding to Patt.  The article she picked up was called “Home safe home” by Jo Brown and outlined the dangers of chemicals used in homes – everything from insulation to flooring. For Linda, reading that article changed the way she felt about the home.

“It scared the bejesus out of me,” said Linda. “There are so many chemicals in standard building products … it was a wake up call.”

After the wedding Linda went back to Southern California and hatched a plan to get into the green business. At that time there was no degree she could get for green interior design so she started reading and educating herself.

After many years of working as a green design manager and then working in a flooring store, she decided to move to Lopez.

“I fell in love with the island,” she said.

Despite her passion for green living, her plan to move to the island had nothing to do with wanting to work on homes.

She recalls her brother Alan telling her this may be a good time to revive her business plan for a green business. Linda responded by saying, “I just want to work at a restaurant.”

Yet, the conversation had piqued her interest again and she started exploring the Internet about green living. Soon she was talking to Patt and they decided to go into business together.

“Linda has been fighting this front for a long time,” said Patt. “We are just reigniting her original vision.”

Linda originally wrote up a business plan 17 years ago. The fact that she and Patt are not taking that plan and running with it makes sense.

“We are a perfect fit,” said Linda because of her experience and because Patt is a computer and books wiz as well as an artist.

What is most important for both of them is creating homes that have a connection with the planet.

“I think we need to get back there to that connection,” said Linda. “If we build using natural products and have a connection to the earth we inhabit then I think it brings more hope that we can take care of her.”