Family mealtime matters

Something so simple could result in great outcomes. After more than a decade of research by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University we know that children of all ages benefit from a regular family mealtime.

Submitted by the Lopez Island Prevention Coalition

Something so simple could result in great outcomes. After more than a decade of research by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University we know that children of all ages benefit from a regular family mealtime. Better grades, healthier eating habits, closer relationships, ability to resist negative peer pressure and resilience in the face of life’s problems are all positive outcomes from shared family mealtime.

More mealtimes at home was the single strongest factor in better achievement scores and fewer behavioral problems. Children who participate in regular family mealtime are more likely to eat more fruits and vegetables and are less likely to suffer depression and alcohol or substance dependencies.

Here are five tips to a healthy and successful family mealtime:

Involve your Family

• Ask your family to choose a new healthy dish to try or have them help in the kitchen.

Be Adventurous

• Pick out a fruit or vegetable that you’ve never tried before and prepare it in a recipe.

Set an Example

• Children typically carry eating habits they learn from early age. Set a positive example by eating a verity of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.

Make Mealtime Fun

• Encourage your family to participate in mealtime by make it fun. Create a weekly dinner, such as Taco Friday, or “bring a friend on Thursday” night.

Make Mealtime Family Time

• Talk about your day. Make it positive and fun by telling funny stories and asking questions.

Sept. 22 is National Family Day. The Lopez Island Prevention Coalition invites you to celebrate families by implementing the power of mealtime. Create a positive and healthy atmosphere and establish a healthy mealtime habit your children will want to continue throughout their lives. It’s amazing how a simple thing can bring such great results.