Community Development updates at Lopez meeting

Submitted by San Juan County.

The public is invited to join County officials on June 28 at the Lopez Community Center for a discussion about the Department of Community Development. The meeting will be held from 4:30-5:30 p.m. and include information from San Juan County’s Manager, Mike Thomas, and Councilmember Jane Fuller.

As San Juan County’s Department of Community Development (DCD) continues to address the current permit backlog, update codes, and continue long-term planning efforts, those invested in the construction industry or with experience working with DCD are welcomed to ask questions, voice concerns, and share their perspectives on working with the department. Both Thomas and Fuller will be answering questions, providing direction to resources, and using feedback to make future department improvements.

DCD is committed to providing planning and permitting services in a responsive and respectful manner. The County is grateful for those working together to improve services and systems.