Challenge grant offered to Friends of Lopez Island Pool

Friends of Lopez Island Pool (FLIP) has received a $5,000 challenge grant from a supporting family foundation to raise immediate funds to pay off phase-two planning and site development. The challenge will effectively double the value of each donor’s gift and give a clean start to phase three of FLIP’s plan to build a pool facility.

Friends of Lopez Island Pool (FLIP) has received a $5,000 challenge grant from a supporting family foundation to raise immediate funds to pay off phase-two planning and site development. The challenge will effectively double the value of each donor’s gift and give a clean start to phase three of FLIP’s plan to build a pool facility.

“We are thrilled with this generous challenge to our community and urge pool supporters to help us meet the June 1 deadline. We don’t want to lose the matching funds!” said Lori Taylor, FLIP spokesperson and secretary/treasurer.

At the 2010 kick-off meeting on Feb. 24, board members were updated on FLIP’s current status: Center Road property close to Lopez School was donated by John Sorenson. The donation of land paved the way for the phase two water studies and construction planning.

A successful 2009 4th quarter mailing generated funds to cover much of the aquatic center preliminary design by Heery International and the County’s initial zoning and permit expenses.

The pool has been a long time in coming. The first motion towards getting a pool for Lopez was 15 years ago when there was an attempt to put the facility on the parks and recreation levvy. After that failed, the idea lay dormant until two years ago when it was decided that the most feasible way to make progress with the project was to start a non-profit. The collating of ideas, board members and finally the donation of the land, was defined as “phase one” in the evolution of the project.

Now the reality of a four lane facility with extra therapy pool seems closer than ever. The final hurdle is an old one: money.

“If we had the funds we would be swimming in 18 months,” said Taylor, but remains positive about upcoming fundraising events.

Last week’s meeting cultivated new board members and initiated plans for a third annual SPLASH event on July 16 and the Summer 2010 Farmers Market booth and fundraising raffle.

Additional fund raising concepts includes wet suits and the Salish Sea. “468 Club” is an idea put forward by FLIP that involves people donning wet suits and raising funds by swimming in MacKay Harbor. Check the website for details.

FLIP is holding a Board Development and Strategic Planning workshop on March 18, where they will examine strengths, resources and challenges to fine tune project goals and strategies, and explore exciting new funding horizons recently introduced to Lopez non-profits.

Whether your interest is in swim therapy, fitness swimming, competitive swimming, water safety, kayak training, swim instruction, water exercise, or water play, your energy is needed for FLIP’s success in giving Lopez a safe, healthy, affordable year-round aquatic center for all, its islanders. Please contact Lori Taylor at 468-3998 to get involved.

Your contribution can be mailed to FLIP at PO Box 453, Lopez Island, WA 98261 or through our website at