Burns Supper rousing success

On January 24, one day before Robert Burns’ actual birthday, January 25, 1759, the Scottish Country Dancers of San Juan Island hosted a Burns Supper to celebrate the life and times of this inspiring Scottish poet and lyricist. This year was especially important, as it marked the 250th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, or the Bard of Ayrshire, as he is also known.

On January 24, one day before Robert Burns’ actual birthday, January 25, 1759, the Scottish Country Dancers of San Juan Island hosted a Burns Supper to celebrate the life and times of this inspiring Scottish poet and lyricist. This year was especially important, as it marked the 250th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, or the Bard of Ayrshire, as he is also known.

The event, held at the Mason’s Hall in Friday Harbor, had all the traditional fixings of a hearty Burns Supper…the Address to the Haggis was recited by Sandy Cameron as David Hylton carried the “king of the sausage race” into the hall proceeded by a piper playing Scotland the Brave. Toasts were made all around with good highland single malt whiskeys, the traditional addresses to the lassies and the lads were read, and then a fine feast of beef pie, haggis, roast turkey and gravy, trifle and Clootie pudding was enjoyed, all home-made. Then the dancers put the chairs back and had a fine swing around the room, led by dance instructor Bill Paterson. If you would like more information on Scottish country dancing, please contact Bill Paterson at 468-4992.