Bruce Dunlop leading toward re-election as Port Commissioner Position No. 1.

Dunlop has received 505 votes to opponent, Ed Kilduff’s 404 votes

Bruce Dunlop is leading towards re-election as Port Commissioner Position No. 1.

Dunlop has received 505 votes to opponent, Ed Kilduff’s 404 votes.

As of this writing, out of 1,159 ballots, 993 have been counted, which will make Dunlop’s impending victory hard to overcome.

Dunlop ran for Port Commissioner four years ago and was elected to help provide a well-run airport for Lopez.

“After many years of first hand experience using airports around the county it was my turn to contribute to our community,” Dunlop said.

During the past four years Dunlop has been working on two significant projects, the solid waste proposal and a major repaving of the airport taxiway and apron, which is a $2 million project that will take place this spring.

He ran for re-election to see these projects to completion.

“I have a diverse set of skills, all of which are needed by the port. I have the management skills of a successful businessman. I have sensitivity to the island’s environment as a Lopez farmer,” he said. “I have the experience of four years on the Port Commission. I’m leading port negotiations with the county to directly manage the transfer station and am dedicated to completing this transition successfully.”